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Pilgrims Mennonite Church ® Statement of Mission and Commitment

Pilgrims Mennonite Church

Statement of Mission and Commitment

We commit ourselves to following Jesus. Love of God and neighbor is our first priority. We welcome diversities such as race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, faith background, and capabilities. We commit ourselves to be a community of grace, joy and peace, so that God's love, healing, and hope may flow through us to the world.

We are called to:

  • Help each other grow in our understanding of God’s love through corporate worship, reflecting on biblical texts, listening for the voice of the Spirit, participating in small groups, and encouraging each one’s inward journey.
  • Provide a safe place to acknowledge weakness, experience forgiveness and openly bring faith questions, embracing the differences that arise.
  • Emphasize the importance of being peacemakers and encourage each other to act in ways that promote peace. Work for economic and social justice in our community and society.
  • Welcome LGBTQ persons and their families to full participation in church life and ministry; advocate for gender equality; acknowledge systemic racism and the profound damage it causes in our society and commit ourselves to speak and act against it; seek to rid ourselves of discriminatory thoughts and actions.
  • Respect and care for God's creation, deepening our understanding of the human impact on our environment and working with others to reduce the negative effects of our changing climate.
  • Discern and respond to physical, spiritual, and social needs of those within and outside the fellowship, including attention to the needs of the most vulnerable.
  • Care for and nurture children, actively including children and youth in church life.
  • Encourage joy, play and celebration in our life together.

As a group within the Mennonite/Anabaptist tradition, we choose to participate in Atlantic Coast Conference, Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite World Conference.

We will annually reevaluate our commitment to the fellowship. By signing this covenant, we indicate our intention to walk with Pilgrims in the coming year.

Through the help of God’s Spirit we seek to live into these commitments, relying on  God’s wisdom, strength and forgiveness.

-Approved at Pilgrims Congregational Meeting, May 7, 2023


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