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Who We Support

Giving to local organizations that work for peace and justice is a priority. A Pilgrims contact is in touch with each organization we support, to help us learn from and increase our involvement in these organizations and their issues. The current list of organizations Pilgrims supports includes:

ADVOZ - using principles of restorative justice, ADVOZ, through victim-offender mediation, has been bringing victims of crime and their offenders together in face-to-face meetings since 1995. It provides unique opportunities for victim restoration and offender accountability with a focus on reconciliation, healing, restitution, and safe communities in Lancaster County.

Ephrata Area Social Services (EASS)- started by a group of Ephrata-area churches, EASS is committed to the ideal of "Neighbors Helping Neighbors." In the midst of a flourishing economy, there are those in need who are all but forgotten. EASS programs include a food and clothing bank, Meals on Wheels, transportation services, and community support services.

Friendship Community- Friendship Community is a Christian ministry cultivating capabilities of Individuals with Intellectual Disability and Autism in Lancaster and Lebanon Counties since 1972. Its ministry includes operation of numerous group homes. 

Good Samaritan: Good Sam compassionately responds to homelessness and poverty through a unique and personalized approach to help our neighbors journey from crisis to stability. Ministries include emergency shelter, residential housing, and housing support services. 

Homes of Hope (HOH)- provides a transitional home and a variety of support programs that enables the homeless to secure housing in communities in Lancaster County. Love INC is the umbrella organization for Homes of Hope. HOH works in partnership with local schools, community resources, and agency partners to provide a holistic response that strives to break the cycle of homelessness. Partner churches provide financial and volunteer support for the homes. Pilgrims works with the HOH apartments in the Ephrata area.

Lancaster Bail Fund (LBF) - LBF is a catalyst for social justice in the fight against pretrial and mass incarceration.  It was established in 2021 as an option for people who would otherwise languish indefinitely in Lancaster County Prison due to an inability to pay bail. LBF is a volunteer-run nonprofit.  It is a revolving fund, meaning the same money can be used over and over.  LBF is a member of the National Bail Fund Network.


Lititz Chooses Love (LCL) - began in 2021 in response to the huge outflow of support that the community showed for a trans student in the Warwick School District. Responding to the energy and need demonstrated, LCL began hosting LGBTQ friendly hikes. Soon, they partnered with St. Paul's Penryn and opened the LGBTQ Community Center which offers a food pantry (now partnering with the Central PA Food bank), a gender-affirming clothing closet, and an LGBTQ library. The food pantry is open on Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings. On Saturday mornings, there is also a youth-supportive space with games, etc. On Tuesday evenings, LCL offers supportive space for LGBTQ youth at the Ephrata Library. This past summer, LCL hosted their first Pride event in Lititz Springs Park.


Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) - Mennonite Central Committee U.S. seeks to relieve suffering in the name of Christ; promote peace and justice; dismantle racism and sexism; generate resources; and coordinate MCC's work in the United States. MCC U.S. partners with Mennonite and Brethren in Christ congregations and carries out its mission of service and peace through four regional offices, the MCC Washington Office and Peace and Justice Ministries. Pilgrims supports its international and domestic activities, including contributions towards it’s Peace and Justice programs.

POWER Interfaith POWER is an inter-faith multi-racial peoples movement. POWER represents over 50 congregations in Southeastern and Central Pennsylvania with the goal: “We are people of faith committed to the work of bringing about justice here and now.” In 2023 Pilgrims joined POWER as a supporting congregation. POWER currently has five key campaigns: criminal justice reform, fair funding for education, economic dignity, civic engagement, and climate justice.


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